
your head a-splode from jake wellever on Vimeo.


  1. I absolutely love this. I think it does a fantastic job with the comparison of older video games and the gory new games. The contrast is clear and punctuated well through the sound/video relationship. There isn't really anything I would change because it all just fits together so well.
    I especially like the part where the guy has the flamethrower and it has the fireball sound. Job well done.

  2. Awesome! The variety of clips is amazing. What I like about it the most is how well the music compliments the montage of clips. Old school Mario music with the video games of today. Great way to end it with the original Mario. Nice touch. Great Job.

  3. Yeah. This is great. Great idea comparing old to new video games, and the piece fit the music so well. It's a very nice critique, and a great execution of editing stylistically to the song. Nice!

  4. I like how this video is sort of a commentary on how violent videogames have gotten. It seems like just yesterday we were into an innocent plumber jumping on mushrooms and today we want everything to be gorier with more explosions.

  5. I agree with the lot, the message is clear. Violence has had a large impact on video games indeed.
